在中國,被稱為“90后”的一代被貼上了懶惰、困惑、自私、腦殘(brain damaged)、絕望等多個標簽。其實人們大可不必擔心,就像80后未必是垮掉的一代一樣,90后只不過是當今時代所孕育出的一代。而在美國媒體眼中,作為“互聯(lián)網一代”的90后,將為中國的未來打上怎樣的印記?
Lazy, promiscuous, confused, selfish, brain damaged and overall hopeless are all labels that have been given to China's so-called post-90s generation, or those who were born after 1990 who are now mostly in their teens today.
Whatever the post-90s are, one thing for certain is they are different from those born before them: they have no memory of China's tumultuous past, instead only experiencing it as a country with rapid economic growth underscored by rampant consumerism and globalization.
"They have only known a life in China that is rising and affluent," Frank Yu, a Beijing-based internet analyst, said.
"They are considered a wild card generation. They are very aggressive and outward looking and are pretty confident because they never felt hardship."
And they are also the first generation that has grown up with the internet. And it is there, online, where they live lives that are a marked departure from age-old cultural norms that remain ingrained in Chinese society today.
"When they turn away from the internet and look at the real world and they see that nothing has changed, there is this huge disconnect in their minds," said Kevin Lee, chief operating officer for China Youthology, a Beijing-based research firm.
"Their minds are in this internet way of thinking, and when their real world is not even moving, not even budging, they feel powerless. And so where do they escape? They go back to the internet."
"On the internet, they have the chance to be individuals," said Zakfa Zhang, also with China Youthology.
"It is a totally new space for the youth to feel independent. They can criticize anyone, and no one will tell them they are wrong, and they can express themselves online without many restrictions."
他們會掛在像開心網、人人網這樣的社交網站上,會在微博上發(fā)表評論,同樣還會使用熱門的騰訊QQ和QQ空間。They hang out on Chinese social networks, like Kaixin001 and Renren, post comments on microblogs as well as use Tencent's highly popular instant messaging service QQ and Qzone.
A post on the blog China Hush titled "A Series of Post-90s Generation's Bad Behaviors" shows some of the more shocking sexual content the teen post online: "The general impression is Post-90s kids are 'out of control,' behaving badly'...'have mental problems' and are 'engaging in sexual activities way too early,'" the post says.
Not everyone views their behavior so negatively.
"In the virtual world, they learn how to be leaders, to solve interpersonal conflicts," said Han Yinbo, co-author of "An Exploding Internet Revolution."
"These online activities make them more mature, give them more options and enlarge their visions. Former generations didn't enjoy such colorful worlds. Their understanding of the outside is limited and monotonous."
The impact the post-90s will have in China in the future as they mature into adults and become employees is the question many are now asking.
Don Tapscott, author of "Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World" believes the post-90s generation are much more entrepreneurial than their elders.
"Yes, they will effect change, and yes, they have a completely different culture than their parents," said Tapscott.
"What happens online does materialize. It does drive behavior change in the real world."
affluent富裕的, 富足的
budge 稍微移動
consumerism 消費主義
disconnect 差異,懸殊
entrepreneurial 具有企業(yè)精神的
ingrained 牢固的, 極難除掉的
monotonous 無變化的,單調乏味的
promiscuous 雜亂的,亂交的
rampant 瘋長的
tumultuous 混亂的
wild card 萬能牌